Can I transfer my existing SMSF to Selfmade?

Yes! Selfmade offers an affordable and technologically advanced platform to handle the admin and tax for your existing SMSF. If you’re paying your accountant too much in fees, Selfmade has the answer. 

The facts

If you already have an SMSF, you’d be aware that you need your accountant to prepare documents and have your tax return lodged each year. If this is burying you in paperwork, you can switch to Selfmade to handle this administration.

Additionally, Selfmade's competitive pricing structure may save you money - funds that can instead go towards building your financial future. 

How Selfmade does it 

Selfmade is registered as a tax agent, meaning we can complete your SMSF admin and tax just as an accountant would. We also minimise paperwork where possible. Once transferred, our platform offers you an interactive overview of your SMSF through the online dashboard. 

Interested in transferring to Selfmade? Register here to get started!